Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Romeo and Juliet Essay

            This project was completely different from any other school project that students have ever done. This was a good challenge and a new way to learn. Traditional learning can be boring and not absorbed by the student. This was interesting and students received a lot of educational experience. In depth analyst, collaboration, tech tools and organization were all needed. There are several ways to have students learn, however this project had more educational value than traditional learning.             
            The project required the students to read the material in-depth, understand it and analyze it. Writers had to have a thorough understanding of the complete story to rewrite it. The story was in modern language with some famous lines to maintain clarity. The writing process ensured the reader comprehended the written language and so the audience would also grasp the idea.  Every class member needed to have an understanding of the material in order to do their job. The play Romeo and Juliet was better understood because it was rewritten in modern language. All jobs were hands-on activities. All the jobs required the students to relate the content of the play to their specific task. For example, the props crew needed to be in contact with the writers and directors.  In addition to have a good grasp of the content and an analysis of the play, communication and collaboration were two other key components to the project.
            Students collaborated with each other for this project. Communication was key.
Communication allowed sharing of ideas between schools for a better outcome. These communication skills were exercised and improved and is part of a real world experience. This will help in other classes, jobs, college and other interactions. Sharing  ideas was encouraged between schools to receive the best outcome. More communication was encouraged to make sure there would be a better outcome. Team work was needed in order for the production to succeed. Everybody pitched in for the final result. Collaboration was critical for the project to be finished, but learning about the newest technology was also important.
            Technology tools made communication, advertising and presenting easier. Blogger, Kidblog and Twitter were all used for broadcasting information between schools and teachers. Blogs helped keep everyone informed and let the teachers grade part of the project. Wiki spaces were used for graphics and some other blogs, which also was another part of the grade. Turn-it-in was used to discuss the theme and submit questions about the play. Skype was for communication between schools to share ideas and to make sure everybody was on the same page. Technology tools are used in the real world for job interviews. Instead of flying around the world, interviews are now done through Skype. Therefore, it’s important to become familiar with the use of these tools. Technology tools played a major role, but organization was also a critical component.
            Organization was practiced and perfected during the project. The classes took a survey to see how much of the project was student run and the average was 90 to 95 %. This is evidence of the students taking responsibility for their learning and ultimately the outcome of the project. The teacher had a minor part but included making sure the students’ stayed on task. Organization will be needed and appreciated in later years  when students have careers. Leadership was a key role to set an example between peers so that we could do the best job possible. Everybody who contributed to the project deserves respect for their work and their time. A fair amount of personal time was spent accomplishing the project goal. Pride was an outcome of the project for all the hard work and effort put forth. Planning was a key role in the project for filming which involved organization.

The filmed play of Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet was an unconventional way to learn.  This was challenging and had many requirements. Traditional learning can be dull and not absorbed by the student. The project appealed to students and also required an unique approach and thought process than an original test. For example, an in depth analysis such as translating the play to modern day language was an original activity. This taught the story better than reading it. Collaboration forced us to learn communication skills for future success. Tech tools helped to stay current for job interviews and other tasks. Organization helped with responsibility. There are a lot of ways to have a student learn, however this project had more educational value than traditional learning. 

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


The overall project went well. I learned how to work with other people even at the age of 15. I have met new people. I've made friends and memories. The project was interesting because it has never been done before, which I think motivated us to set the standards. I also think, the mistakes were very minor and did not set us back more than 4 hours of time total. The most difficult thing was cooperation between cast and crew member. If one thing could have been improved it would be better communication and to use time more efficiently. Like our teacher said we will remember this project for the rest of our lives.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Official Post Week of 4-5-11

This week was descent in terms of filming. We need to get organized and had some problems with filming. This shouldn't take very long. For props in Iowa, they are going to need some kind of potion for the suicide. Suggestions were mountain dew, food die and sparkly water and Crystal light. The cross made the priest look real in the filming. He could have been easily identified. I think the project will work out, its going rough because we are the "lab mice".

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Review on Filming

Today for filming went relatively quick compared to other days. The knife prop broke at the last filming at south and then the the spring was lost within the last 24 hours. The spring wasn't needed however when you poke it on something and then pulled back it did not come back out if you didn't tilt it down. The crack was fixed with black hockey tape, which gave it a nice grip. The only problem was cooperation between people to be quiet.
Take it easy,

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Review for Saturday

Saturday was fun like always. We filmed the fight between Tybalt and Merrcuccio. The knife prop was used in the fight and looked completely real. The fake blood was not. It was extremely cold so that was one of the reasons. I was wondering if somebody had some ideas for props email me at 20004321@students.gpschools.org, Thanks! I was watching the movie and I think I'm going suggest something to hold the knife like a skinny pouch or a cover, just to make it more official. 
Have a nice one,

Friday, April 1, 2011

Props Post 6

As a group for props are jobs have been going great. The knife has been working like a charm. We tried it out during our filming for two and four and it looked completely real and did not hurt at all. On Saturday we are filming the fight scene between Romeo and Tybalt and Merrcucio’s death, where the knife will be used. We are looking for ideas for more props and keep our minds open to anyideas. Feel free to email me at 20004321@students.gpschools.org. We are planning to just give the actors some jewelry to make things interesting. We are currently in contact with the students from Iowa for ideas for props.  This is a picture of the cross that the preacher will use.