Monday, May 30, 2011

Independent Reading Project

Title: Lone Survivor 

The plot of  Lone Survivor is a book written by a Navy Seal about his entire life up to age 35. The author describes the how the training was and how actual combat was. On one of his missions everything goes wrong, all members of his team were lost and he cannot walk. The majority of the book is about the 2 weeks spent on a mission.

The main character and author is Marcus Luttrell a Navy Seal that has was very experienced. As of today he is still in the Seals since 2002. He was born in Texas and raised horses for a living on his family's farm. As the unit's medic and sniper, he has the ability to work under pressure. He stands at 6 foot 4 inches tall. The book is centered around him.

Heroism is a theme in Lone Survivor. Danny a fellow Navy Seal in his last mission, lost his hand but kept fighting till he couldn't stand. Patriotism is a theme in the novel because the main character and his team risked their lives fighting for their country. The Navy Seals isn't like a desk job where training is sitting around, the training is compared to running a marathon every day for a year and a half.

One symbol that shows how tough the Navy Seals are is bull mastiff dog. The author compares them to a bull mastiff because how determined and tough they are to keep going.

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